Yannick Bolasie runs down the wing,
The Holmesdale and Arthur wait stand sing.
He twists, he turns, his tricks and flicks,
Next move not even he predicts.
All certain now that he'll go far,
Comes back an international star.
Toon midweek, under floodlights,
Comes on strong, the game ignites.
One run, two runs, three runs, four,
The cross to Frazier, Campbell scores.
Predictions? No, call off all bets,
Even he won't know what he'll do next.
The weekend comes, new match, new game,
As fresh defenders try to tame,
A winger who time and time again,
Is sure to play and entertain.
Can't work him out, the back line panic,
A true Eagle who fans love called Yannick.