Obviously this is a controversial subject, but it can't be
avoided. As a society we need to decide
on how we are to deal with these issues.
Philpott was clearly mentally unwell in my eyes. 17 kids, and a fire that killed 6 of
them. Whilst demanding the Council give
him a bigger house.
I am medically allowed to flag up symptoms, and this is what
I registered:
Delusion – The world does not owe you a living just because
you've had kids. So this man was
deluded. He did not live in the real
world in plain English. His beliefs were
not normal and could be seen as harmful in some ways.
Anxiety/ Paranoia – He's had 17 kids. Considering kids typically give love &
loyalty unconditionally to their parent that's quite the loyal obeying army
he's created. Why on earth did he need
that many?
Promiscuity – He's had 17 kids. Yes, Promiscuity is a Mental Health
symptom. And a dangerous one, as it can
get the Service User ( mental health patient ) into all sorts of trouble. He may have 'needs', but those needs don't
appear to be healthy.
To me that mix of symptoms is something like what Paranoid
Schizophrenics get up to with their beliefs. Delusion & Anxiety are the key symptoms for Paranoid Schizophrenia (
always check these details with a proper Psychiatrist. I just do symptoms, but
work with Schizophrenics a lot. )
Philpott is behind bars now so his surviving kids are safe,
and hopefully his issues will be spotted and he'll start treatment as part of his
rehabilitation. But could his now
deceased kids have been saved? I think
With Philpott there were so many warning signs. See the statements above. Was he mentally well enough to look after
kids? Obviously not. And he did not volunteer to go to his GP to
get help, so it would have been down to The Council to spot his Mental Health
problems and intervene. Like how if someone is too ill to look after themselves
they are sectioned by The Police or Social Workers. Sometimes you have to be a little cruel to
actually be kind. Sometimes you have to
But what could they have done? In plain English they could have broken up
the family and moved some kids out to nearby Foster parents. When a child is Fostered they can see their
real parents if they want. Group
activities can happen as well, so that the kids can stay in touch. So this is not about forced separation &
child cruelty. It's about forced
separation to rescue those kids. And the
family can still spend weekends together and united easily enough. All it would have taken was a team of Foster
Parents to get involved, provide more bedrooms & 'staff', & help
Philpott raise his kids. This is about
kindness. You mustn't punish those kids
for the dodgy &/or irresponsible acts of their parents. Irresponsible breeding is a serious issue,
contrary to what some people believe.
Also it's important to remember that some people have
worked, had 3-4 kids, carried on working, and then got unlucky and lost their
jobs. We are in a recession-come-depression
after all. This isn't about them. They'll be out job hunting. This is about the small crowd who think the
world owes them a living PURELY as they have had kids. There are 190 families in the UK
with 10 children or more in them. There are
going to be plenty with 6, 7, or 8 kids as well. Are you happy with this? Are you happy to pay for them as they pop out
child after child?
The 'baby factory' phenomena ( where someone breeds for
various reasons, including for Benefits ) is all very real. Although, in reality, a tiny phenomena it is
still real. These people do exist. Some
parents just decide to start having kids and simply do not stop. They then have a go at Society for not
bailing them out when they run out of money &/ or space. As they struggle they blame others and then
keep on breeding. Having kids is a
choice in a modern age like ours after all, but some won't accept the
responsibility &/or wear a condom.
If the Social Workers had gone in on the Philpott family
sooner those kids would still be alive. And, odds are, Philpott would be getting medical help by now. I think that is a reasonable statement.
So it's obvious the Social Workers moving sooner would have
helped. I think that's a fair conclusion so far.
So let's look at these big families. Why do they do it?
Those who have kids do so for various reasons. The most common ones are security in old age,
seeing the family line continue, and the love and togetherness family usually
brings. Most people have 2-3 kiddies, and
decide that that's it for them. They
have enough, the clan is assembled, and they then get on with raising the
little so-and-so's.
Some asylum types may well have had big broods to make sure
some kids live to adult-hood, but in The UK there is obviously no need for
this. We have our NHS, and there are no
wandering warlords shooting people like in places like Africa. The UK
is much safer for kids, so many many more survive to adulthood. So you don't need to have as many to get them
through, like they would have to back home. And this is accepted by most people ( the vast majority ). Our Infant Mortality Rate is very low
compared to the wilder parts of Africa or The Middle
But for a small minority, as we know, they just don't stop
dropping sprogs. They show the same
symptoms ( beliefs, needs, & ideas ) Philpott did, and just pump out more
and more kiddies. Irresponsible
This is why all 3 parties want a Benefits Cap. They all feel it's an important message to
send to people to snap them out of the delusion that they'll just be bailed out
by Taxpayers should they choose to create massive broods. The Torys have their
flat cap, and Labour want a regional one. The Lib-dems are currently supporting the Tory flat-cap one, even though
it does not allow for London Rates and as such forces poor people to leave Central
London. Boris never did
move to stop the 'Kosovo Style' ethnic cleansing of Central London
that has now started.
Labour's regional Cap would allow for factors like London Weighting,
so is considered by some to be a lot more flexible & realistic. The Torys & Lib-Dems seem focussed on
clearing poor people out of Central London instead. Are you happy with this?
I'm writing all this as you, the Voters of Croydon, have a
very big decision coming come Election 2014 ( Council Elections, so that's
Social Housing and the like ) & Election 2015 ( The National Elections, so
that's the Benefits Cap & Benefits generally ). Are The Torys getting it right? Or are Labour more accurate? Should there be a Benefits Cap? And if so which one?
I'm also hoping to raise Mental Health Awareness tied to
this phenomena. If these parents
creating their massive broods instead get Psychiatric help I'm confident they
can be cured BEFORE it gets to the point where their kids end up in
danger. And I'm not just talking
Philpott here. I'm talking the damage of
If kids don't have enough space they can't grow properly
both physically & mentally. They
pick up problems like moodiness, short-tempers, tourettes, bad posture,
deformed bones, and depression. And,
needless to say, having to share a room with 3 other siblings really damages
your ability to do your homework and ultimately get good grades at school. Hence why breaking up these large families
can save those kids from this overcrowding issue ( the cruel to be kind bit I
mentioned ). More parents & more
bedrooms can REALLY help these kids out.
But it's important people think about this. It's your society. Do you want to just leave those kids with
parents that are obviously not coping knowing those kids will suffer and not
reach their full potential? Do you
believe these kids should be left with their parents & the money just
handed over? Can the Tax-payer afford to
build 6-8 bedroom Mansions to cater for their demands, and should we? What if the parents are as ill ( risky ) as
Philpott? Are you happy to take that
risk? When would you send in the Social
Workers to investigate?
Yeah, some very big questions there. What kind of society do you want to live in? Ultimately this will be your choice oh voter.
You'll find that large families on benefits will come up in
Council records, so they can be spotted. So where is the limit where it goes from 'ok' to 'a bit crazy'? That's really what you have to decide.
Also, think about Carers. If there is a Disabled child or parent in the household there is full
immunity from The Cap. And the Elderly
are exempt as well. So Carers are, well,
it's an important subject.
Under the current Con-Dem Benefits Cap Carers who look after
a Disabled adult ( a child ( theirs ) who is disabled and is now over 18 ) WILL
be effected by The Cap. So they ( The
Carers and the kiddy-now-adult ) will most likely suffer &/or starve unless
they put their adult Disabled Caree into Care. Is this the right idea? Please
remember that with some Caree's they may be 46 ( for example ) but they could
only have the mind of a child. That's
how some conditions work. So if the
family is forcibly broken up by the current Cap that Caree will genuinely be
being separated from a caring & hard-working mummy & daddy. Is this the right thing to do?
Carers ( in their various shapes and sizes ) safe The NHS an
estimated £119b per year by NOT using Care Homes. Carers care in the community so that Care
Homes are not needed. The ENTIRE NHS budget itself is only £110b per year, so
this gives you an idea as to how big a contribution Carers make. Without Carers we'd be stuffed, pure &
And yet Carers Allowance ( their 'Income Support' style
benefit to support them as they do this important job ) is only a measly £60.00
per week; which is why so many Carers are now having Mental Health breakdowns
and burning out. They get paid less than
Jobseekers, and Jobseekers is supposed to be tough to encourage work. So Carers Allowance is actually agony. Debt and a lack of cash generally ( with all
the stress that brings ), when mixed with the stresses of their job, are
crushing them. They're dropping like
flies. And now some of them have the
Benefits Cap in it's current form to worry about as well. So think about it. Should Carers be included in the Benefits
Cap? Or is it a mistake to do what this
Govt are doing?
I know there's a lot there, but even so. From what I can see, a small group of
most-likely ill people have created such a storm that Carers are now being
beaten up by the current Conservative-LibDem Govt. Do you approve of this, or are you opposed?
Have a think, and may the debate commence.
Christian Wilcox is the Chair of the Croydon Mental Health
Forum ( politically neutral ), an NHS Executive ( Advisory ) for the South
London & Maudsley ( politically neutral ), and works for the Labour Party