A NURSERY in Addiscombe has been criticised by Ofsted after an inspection exposed safety failings.
Sandilands Pre-School could not guarantee the safety of children on its books because staff had "failed to identify" the possible hazards they faced, inspectors said.
A report, published this week, said the nursery was "inadequate" - the lowest possible grade - and needed to make rapid improvements.
Sandilands Pre-School, based in Addiscombe Cricket Club, has space for 25 children but has only ten on roll.
It was inspected on February 2, a year after being told it "requires improvement" following its last Ofsted visit.
Inspector Geetha Ramesh said teaching at the nursery was "variable" because activities though varied, were often poorly planned.
She reserved her strongest criticism for failings in safeguarding.
"The provider does not ensure children's safety," said the report.
"Staff do not robustly assess risks in the environment, and they fail to identify all possible hazards to children.
"For example, staff do not always keep the kitchen door closed to prevent children from accessing unsafe areas."
Ofsted found staff had a good knowledge of child protection procedures but their performance was not evaluated by management, in breach of legal requirements.
It described partnerships with other schools as "weak" and said children were not always provided with healthy options at snack time.
Ofsted did, however, praise staff for listening to and challenging the children.
The nursery will now be subject to regular monitoring visits ahead of a full reinspection.
Owner Wendy Emond declined to comment when contacted by the Advertiser.