THE Whitgift Trust has lost its fight against redeveloping the Whitgift shopping centre to make way for the £1.5 billion Westfield/Hammerson redevelopment
The Court of Appeal has stopped the Trust from appealing the High Court's dismissal of its claim for a judicial review of planning permission.
The council granted planning permission and conservation area consent, allowing the shopping centre and surrounding land to be redeveloped, in February last year.
In November, a High Court judge dismissed the Trust's claim for judicial review of this decision and refused the Trust permission to appeal.
The Trust then asked the Court of Appeal for permission to appeal and, after an initial refusal, a hearing was held yesterday. But permission to appeal was again refused.
Yesterday's announcement means that the Trust has no more rights to appeal the High Court's decision.
Councillor Tony Newman, leader of the council, said: "The council is delighted that the Court of Appeal has refused the Whitgift Trust permission to appeal against the High Court's decision.
"This is good news and confirms that planning processes were followed correctly when granting permission and leaves both the planning permission and conservation area consent intact."