THIS is what a planned revamp of part of Croydon's town centre, including Fairfield Halls and College Green, into a 'Cultural Quarter' could look like.
Councillor Timothy Godfrey, cabinet member for culture, leisure and sport, delivered a report to the cabinet on Monday night, outlining the revived plan.
He said: "We aim to deliver the refurbishment of Fairfield Halls in a way that minimises spend but maximises impact."
But Cllr Godfrey's Tory counterpart, Cllr Tim Pollard, criticised him for not outlining how the money would be spent.
He said: "Fairfield doesn't need a lick of paint or to be included in Labour's virtual 'cultural quarter'. It needs significant sums of money spent on real improvements."
Cllr Godfrey responded: "It's an end of big promises and the start of delivery, so in four years' time we will see Fairfield completely changed and the town centre changed."